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46 Lawson Ave

Milton Park, Harare

Phones: +263 242 251848

+263 774 334 274




Promoting, Advancing and Developing the Production of Milk and Dairy Products

Established over 30 years ago, originally as the National Association of Dairy Farmers - NADF - the Association grew in leaps and bounds, and in 2013, was re-branded to the Zimbabwe Association of Dairy Farmers (ZADF).

Its Aims and Objectives are:

  • To promote, advance and develop the production of milk and dairy products in Zimbabwe;
  • To advance and protect the interests of all sections and categories of producers;
  • By so doing, to play a pivotal anchor role in the dairy industry in Zimbabwe.

Just some of the ways in which ZADF serves its Membership are:

  • Attending Regional Meetings to maintain contact with Members, establish their needs, then endeavour
    to meet them;
  • Communicating with major milk buyers to encourage payment of a viable price for raw milk;
  • Arranging discussion groups and field days for all levels of producers;
  • Maintaining membership of relevant regional and international dairy organisations, so that Members are included in the international dairy industry;
  • Maintaining contact with local agro-industries, Government Departments and other relevant stakeholders; and
  • Playing a facilitating role to enhance the efficiency of milk production in Zimbabwe.


Primary Services ZADF provides to its Members:

  • Technical Extension Services;
  • Communications and Information;
  • Lobbying relevant decision makers, departments and agencies, to protect and serve the interests of Members.