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Since 1911, CC Sales has been providing a range of marketing and other solutions to Agriculture in Zimbabwe, through various channels, which include:

  • Livestock Auctions
  • Property Sales and Valuations
  • Farm Equipment and Machinery Sales
  • Livestock Import and Export
  • Artificial Insemination
  • Dairy and Beef Semen and Embryo Sales

With branches in Harare, Gweru and Bulawayo, CC Sales is a household name in agriculture with a strong reputation for trust and integrity.

CCSales offers professional, personalised import logistics to farmers importing livestock, specialising in the import of dairy and beef breeds from southern Africa. CC Sales organises the sourcing, veterinary testing, permits and transport and is committed to the ethical and humane treatment of animals.

For further information about CC Sales, contact:




Mount Hampden Sale Pen

Lomagundi Road

+263 242 309953 and 309685

+263 772 151 397 and 772 151 398


The “Elms” 128 J. Tongogara Street

phone +263 9 880 976, email rich@ccsalesbyo.co.zw


29 Lincoln Road

phone +263 54 221912, email mike@ccsgw.co.zw