LMAC-Zimbabwe-Website-BannerProtecting, promoting and furthering the interests of those engaged in the Livestock and Meat Industry in Zimbabwe,
ensuring the economic viability of the sector, and providing services and assistance to its Member Associations.
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For detailed data about pedigree livestock in Zimbabwe (and elsewhere) follow these useful links to the BREEDPLAN databases provided by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) based in Australia.

Database searches are easily done via the Livestock Registering Federation (LRF) website - which in turn takes you to the relevant page on the ABRI website - from where you can drill down into the Zimbabwean breeds and breeders data -
and by going direct to the ABRI website.
Both websites are packed with useful information for livestock breeders.

Also visit the new ZHB Website by clicking on the ZHB logo at right. It offers many useful resources for livestock breeders.

ZHB logo
Agricultural Business Research Institute




Livestock Registering Federation




ABRI logo